Friday, November 26, 2010

River Run

Well, my first run through the river area wasn’t too satisfying. There were so many Pokemon to photograph but they were all in hiding! Poliwag was the first Pokemon I saw, it was way up on the riverbank behind the tall grass. I was only able to get a couple shots of Poliwag and the best one received only a few points from Professor Oak’s scoring system. All he had to say was that the size was not very good. Next, I saw a hollow log and nearby a hiding Bulbasaur who I could not coax out with food. I thought that maybe there would be another Bulbasaur inside the log, so I threw an apple near the opening. Surely enough, one came out, but I was already so far down the river that I couldn’t get the shot I wanted. Professor Oak liked the picture of Bulbasaur that I did get, especially since it had such a happy face because of the apple and because you could see the top of the hiding Bulbasaur behind it. Next I saw Slowpoke and was able to get a decent shot of him. Suddenly, Shellder popped out of the water. I was only able to get a very quick snapshot of him that Professor Oak didn’t like at all. It was taken from much too far away. Next I lured another Slowpoke to an area where it looked like he could go fishing. He stuck his tail in the water and came out with a shell on it- transforming him into a Slowbro. Again, I was too far down the river to get a perfect picture of Slowbro but I managed to snap a decent shot. I saw Psyduck next and took a snapshot of him, which Professor Oak also didn’t like because it was taken from too far away. The last Pokemon I was able to get a picture of was Cloyster, which came out decent. The final Pokemon I saw, but was not able to capture a picture of, was Pikachu. I hit him with an apple and he took off- something that Professor Oak calls “speed Pikachu.” I have a feeling if I can get a picture of this Pikachu it would really impress the Professor!
Despite my many setbacks this run, the Professor decided that I take pictures at a good pace.  To make your work easier he gave me his latest invention- a pester ball. I can throw the pester ball at places where I think Pokemon are hiding to try to flush them out. I already know that I’m going to be running the river course again right away using the pester ball!

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